I’ve Fallen And I Refuse To Use My Life Alert Button!

One evening a sweet 88 year old woman by the name of Carol Mcintosh or as I call her, granny-goose Cal was enjoying a quiet night at home in her nightgown, the same one that she had worn since the previous night. Hey we’ve all been there! My sweet, self-sufficient granny was taking a stroll to the kitchen for some of her favorite treats, banana popsicles. If ever there is a Popsicle eating contest you can bet I’m entering my grandma! My husband and I purchased the life alert system for my grandma so at any time she needed, she could call for help. Please keep in mind my 88 year old grandma is far from feeble and has more get up and go in her than some college kids with a mind and with that continues to sharpen with age. She just needs a little help every now and then. Don’t’ we all?

Well somewhere between her bedroom and a stroll towards the banana popsicles, granny had fallen and well…could not get up. She wears her life alert around her neck so with just one push help would be on the way. For some reason granny refused to use the life alert button thinking she could figure her way out of this situation. She started squirming around on the floor searching for a piece of furniture or anything that would give her that lift up she needed to get off the floor. Several strains and one hour of crawling around on the floor later, my grandma finally decided to push the help button. Within minutes help arrived and my grandma was immediately sitting upright and able to get back to her 3 favorite things Bible, Bed & Banana Popsicles.

Shout out to life alert. You truly are a blessing!

So why would anyone spend so much of their own effort struggling for help when help is so readily available to them? Anyone see what I’m crawling towards here? God is so readily available to us at all times. He is just waiting for us to reach out to him when we are in need. Sometimes we think we are bothering him so we try to find our own solution, or maybe we are scared to ask for help be cause we feel like we only call on him when we are in trouble. We even may seek help from other people before we go to God. We need to know that our father is just a prayer away and he has all the solutions to all of our life situations so no more crawling around on the floor trying to figure things out just push your Jesus Life Alert Button and he will surely reach out his hand to help you;)